Patrik, Age 1.5  is a funny, affectionate and unpredictable gay family comedy. After a seemingly endless wait, long-term gay couple Goran and Sven have had their adoption papers approved - and infant Patrik, age 1.5 is on his way!

Patrik, Age 1.5

Everything would have been perfect too, had it not been for just a little error at the adoption agency. It seems one decimal point had been misplaced, and when a 15-year-old homophobe with a criminal past shows at their door the perfect home quickly becomes the setting for the perfect storm.

A multi-award winner and resounding film festival hit, Patrik, Age 1.5 is a satirical and frequently touching film that boldly redefines what a family is. recommends this movie highly, it’s from ABBA-land Sweden, the whole family (straight and gays) can enjoy this funny movie. You haven’t seen nothing like it.

Buy it !

UK : Patrik, Age 1.5 [DVD]
USA : Patrik, Age 1.5 [DVD]

About the Author

Writes for about music, movies, news and lot of other stuff too.