If you have been watching CNN International lately, the Turkish government runs an ad to get businesses to invest in Turkey. But who wanna invest in a country that ignore LGBT-rights ? Turkish government have just blocked Turkey's biggest and only gay community site.



Turk Gay Club has over  34500 members and it’s the only way for the Turkish LGBT-communicate with each other in a radical Islamic country as Turkey says our friends at  Turk Gay Club to MySoCalledGayLife.com today.

Parliamentarians in the European Parliament urged Turkey last week “to ensure that equality, regardless of sex […] or sexual orientation, is guaranteed by the law and effectively enforced”. The resolution initially mentioned illegal forced closures of LGBT organizations and the army’s classification of homosexuality as a psycho-sexual illness (sic). Progressive MEPs amended the text to also denounce ongoing murders of transgender people, and condemn the withdrawal of gender and sexual orientation from a draft anti-discrimination law.

Basically European Union say’s :  EU will not consider Turkey membership in the European Union (EU), without the LGBT-rights and anti-discrimination law in place and the law is adapted  fully by the Turkish government.

Will you invest your money in Turkey, before they have any anti-discrimination law and LGBT-rights ?

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