On Saturday, January 9th, 2010 Arosa Gay SkiWeek will say again for the sixth time «Welcome to the Arosa Gay Ski week». The little event from past years has become a big one. With more than 300 participants from around the world, it’s now one of the top Gay Winter Events in Europe.
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Arosa Gay SkiWeek in the fast lane
Switzerland has now, like France (Tignes, the European Gay Skiweek) and Austria (Sölden, Gay Snow Happening), its big, international, gay ski week. Its success is easy to explain: the wonderful city of Arosa is ideally suited for such an occasion, and, the serious and professional work from its organizers, Alexander Herkommer and Hitsch Leu, another part.
With great sensitivity and commitment they continually increase the large number of partners who support and promote the week. Today, the Arosa Gay SkiWeek has an extensive network of friends, supporters and sellers all over the world.
Alexander Herkommer can’t conceal his excitement when he talks about the
program. There are a multitude of different offerings and events this year featuring big international names; participants get a lot for their money! In addition to games and sunbathing on the Tschuggenhütte, the daily Apres-Ski cocktail party and a large number of evening events (Cabaret show, Foam Party, White Party, and Secret Pool Party) there is also culture on the program with world renowned pianist Michel Dalberto (France) and tenor soloist Zachary Stains (USA) who will offer an unforgettable concert in the village church. For our fine gourmets we have dedicated an evening to culinary delicacies with exquisite selected dishes: an Alpine gourmet
Furthermore, guests are cared for and accompanied by a knowledgeable and
motivated crew during the entire week. A Welcome Desk during guest arrival, an International Ski-Guiding Squad, and a professional security staff for evening events. Everything makes this week unforgettable. Our participants always go home with a smile and great satisfaction.
Reto Kleeb of Switzerland Tourism and Pascal Jenny, director of the Arosa tourist board, are very pleased with the development of the Arosa Gay Skiweek. «Fine,» says Reto «when we see that our efforts in the gay/lesbian segment are bringing more and more visitors to discover our beautiful country».
Convince yourself this winter in Arosa!
Switzerland Tourism: www.myswitzerland.com/en.cfm/interests/gay_lesbian
Arosa gay Skiweek: www.arosa-gayskiwweek.com