Over 1,900 unique visitors from around the world join the celebration of diversity at the latest LGBT online magazine, 10,000 Couples. The first issue of 10,000 Couples, released for October of 2009, garnered over 6,200 page views from visitors in 94 countries around the globe.


Over 1,900 unique visitors from around the world join the celebration of diversity at the latest LGBT online magazine, 10,000 Couples. The first issue of 10,000 Couples, released for October of 2009, garnered over 6,200 page views from visitors in 94 countries around the globe.

As stated by Delena Wilkerson, Publisher and Editor, the philosophy of 10,000 Couples is to “celebrate, affirm and inspire healthy same-sex relationships, homes, families and community living.” In order to fulfill the goal of diverse representation for the international LGBT community, the magazine has over a dozen highly qualified writers and professionals contributing each month. Each contributor offers an individualized perspective on issues ranging from relationship matters to the latest news. Brenda S. “Sue” Fulton, Communications Director for Knights Out, states, “10,000 Couples brings together real people to tell our stories. It is a resource for those of us in a relationship, but at the same time a profound statement about our lives and our right to be treated equally as Americans.” In honor of Veterans Day, the November 2009 issue features the first of two in depth interviews with First Lieutenant Daniel Choi and his partner, Matthew Kinsey. Choi is a founding member of Knights Out and outspoken critic of the US Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy.

Wilkerson is on a mission. “10,000 Couples is a vehicle for expressing the passion that was triggered when my spouse and I were legally married last year. We’ve been together nearly 20 years, but having the opportunity to be legally connected really is important. I think discrimination against same-gender couples is widely accepted, because we are largely invisible – which, ironically, contributes to the continuing acceptance of that discrimination. At least, that is what I believe. That’s sort of how the ‘10,000 Couples’ title came about. I seriously want 10,000 same-gender couples profiled in the gallery by the end of 2010″, she said.

Every issue of 10,000 Couples contains stories of love, pride and romance, relationship advice, practical home-making tips, and current commentary on issues from the political front. The most popular feature, however, is the 10,000 Inspiring Couples Gallery, celebrating the inspiration of prominent and everyday gay and lesbian couples across the world. In addition to current-event blogs, the site delves into matters of faith and racial and ethnic concerns within the community. Lindalisa Severo, President of LegalOut, states, “10,000 Couples is a wonderful new free online magazine that showcases healthy same-sex relationships in all areas of life. I appreciate the informative articles and the diversity of the site. A valuable magazine if you are searching for positive representation of the LGBT community and inspiring stories.”

10,000 Couples is dedicated to focusing on the lives and life experiences of the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community. The format is multi-dimensional in its approach to sharing the positive aspects and discussing the everyday challenges of same-sex couples. The magazine’s is subscription-based with unique interactive components and is free to registrants.

Wilkerson states, “The LGBT community is and always has been in positive, healthy and joy-filled relationships, and it is time those images get equal attention and equal care.”

About the Author

Staff members publishes stories from other news outlets from around the world.