Yesterday, Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI), Chairman of the House Budget Committee, introduced a comprehensive budget plan called the “Path to Prosperity.”
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GOProud Praises Paul Ryan’s “Path to Prosperity” Plan
In response, Jimmy LaSalvia, Executive Director of GOProud, the only national organization representing gay conservatives and their allies, issued the following statement:
“Finally, we have a political leader in Washington willing to tell the American people the truth about the unprecedented budget crisis we are facing, and – more importantly – willing to put forward a bold plan to put this country back on the road to fiscal solvency.
“Like all Americans, gays and lesbians in this country are concerned with the out-of-control spending and growing mountains of unsustainable federal debt. The future prosperity for all Americans, regardless of their sexual orientation, is at stake if we do not act today.
“Rep. Ryan’s proposal reduces spending; makes important reforms to Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security; lowers tax rates; and puts in place spending caps that will force Congress to live within its means.
“The left constantly berated Republicans in the last Congress for supposedly failing to offer alternatives, labeling the GOP as the ‘party of no’. Today, the liberal smear machine is in full force, attacking Rep. Ryan and House Republicans for having the political courage to put forward a comprehensive budget plan. Democrats in Congress are offering no such plan, and the President offers no such plan either; it seems just a few months after attacking Republicans for supposedly failing to offer solutions that it is indeed the Democratic Party that is totally devoid of any plan to solve our budget crisis.”