Month: June 2011
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High school students who identify as being gay, lesbian, or bisexual are more likely than heterosexual students to smoke, drink alcohol, use drugs, and take part in violent and suicidal behaviours, a CDC survey shows.
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Survey: Increased Health Risks for Gay Teens
High school students who identify as being gay, lesbian, or bisexual are more likely than heterosexual students to smoke, drink alcohol, use drugs, and take part in violent and suicidal behaviours, a CDC survey shows.
Today, Joe Solmonese, president of the Human Rights Campaign, issued the following statement on the 30th anniversary of the AIDS epidemic.
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Statement from HRC Recognizing 30 Years of the AIDS Epidemic
Today, Joe Solmonese, president of the Human Rights Campaign, issued the following statement on the 30th anniversary of the AIDS epidemic.
The Human Rights Campaign, America's largest LGBT civil rights organisation, Saturday congratulated the Connecticut Legislature for passing HB 6599: An Act Concerning Discrimination by a vote of 20-16 in the state senate, following a 77-62 vote in the house last month. The bill now moves to Governor Dan Malloy’s desk for his signature – which he has indicated he will do.
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HRC Applauds Connecticut Legislature for Passing Transgender Anti-discrimination Protections
The Human Rights Campaign, America’s largest LGBT civil rights organisation, Saturday congratulated the Connecticut Legislature for passing HB 6599: An Act Concerning Discrimination by a vote of 20-16 in the state senate, following a 77-62 vote in the house last month. The bill now moves to Governor Dan Malloy’s desk for his signature – which he has indicated he will do.
The Human Rights Campaign Foundation, the educational arm of the America’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender civil rights organisation, announced last Friday that Hands Across The Water became the first adoption agency in Michigan to earn the All Children—All Families seal of recognition.
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Michigan Adoption Agency Earns Human Rights Campaign Foundation’s “All Children – All Families” Seal
The Human Rights Campaign Foundation, the educational arm of the America’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender civil rights organisation, announced last Friday that Hands Across The Water became the first adoption agency in Michigan to earn the All Children—All Families seal of recognition.
New York City photographer Scott Pasfield and Welcome Books today announced the release of Gay In America, a groundbreaking, 224-page book of stunning photos and deeply personal stories from 140 gay American men in 50 states.
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Groundbreaking, Stereotype-Shattering Photo Book Caps Extraordinary Year for Gay Americans
New York City photographer Scott Pasfield and Welcome Books today announced the release of Gay In America, a groundbreaking, 224-page book of stunning photos and deeply personal stories from 140 gay American men in 50 states.