Month: October 2011
The Human Rights Campaign – America’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender civil rights organisation – is celebrating National Coming Out Day (NCOD) 2011 with the theme “Coming Out for Equality.” NCOD – a globally celebrated event that encourages LGBT people and their supporters to be visible by living open and honest lives – is celebrated each October 11.
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Speak Out for Equality! HRC Celebrates National Coming Out Day
The Human Rights Campaign – America’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender civil rights organisation – is celebrating National Coming Out Day (NCOD) 2011 with the theme “Coming Out for Equality.” NCOD – a globally celebrated event that encourages LGBT people and their supporters to be visible by living open and honest lives – is celebrated each October 11.
The Human Rights Campaign - America’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender civil rights organisation - is unveiling a collaboration with pop star Ke$ha to encourage everyone to celebrate their inner superstar and come out for equality. National Coming Out Day - a globally celebrated event encouraging LGBT people and their supporters to be visible by living open and honest lives – is celebrated each October 11th. The theme for 2011 NCOD is “Coming Out for Equality.”
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Human Rights Campaign Unveils T-Shirt Collaboration with Ke$ha
The Human Rights Campaign – America’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender civil rights organisation – is unveiling a collaboration with pop star Ke$ha to encourage everyone to celebrate their inner superstar and come out for equality. National Coming Out Day – a globally celebrated event encouraging LGBT people and their supporters to be visible by living open and honest lives – is celebrated each October 11th. The theme for 2011 NCOD is “Coming Out for Equality.”
As Mitt Romney has regained his status as front-runner for the GOP presidential nomination in some national polls, several rivals have sought to revisit his past shifts on issues like abortion and same-sex marriage in an attempt to erode his support within the Republican base.
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Mitt Romney confronted on abortion, same-sex marriage
As Mitt Romney has regained his status as front-runner for the GOP presidential nomination in some national polls, several rivals have sought to revisit his past shifts on issues like abortion and same-sex marriage in an attempt to erode his support within the Republican base.
British Prime Minister David Cameron is slashing foreign aid to African nations that persecute gays and lesbians.
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Cutting aid to ‘anti-gay’ nations: Britain’s ‘bold and necessary’ plan
British Prime Minister David Cameron is slashing foreign aid to African nations that persecute gays and lesbians.
The Human Rights Campaign – America’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) civil rights organisation – is condemning Republican leadership and top GOP presidential candidates for participating in the Family Research Council’s Values Voter Summit, taking place in Washington, DC over the next several days.
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HRC Statement on Family Research Council’s Values Voter Summit
The Human Rights Campaign – America’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) civil rights organisation – is condemning Republican leadership and top GOP presidential candidates for participating in the Family Research Council’s Values Voter Summit, taking place in Washington, DC over the next several days.
The family, friends and fans of the late Stephen Gately paid tribute to him on the second anniversary of his death today.
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Red balloons in memory of our Stephen
The family, friends and fans of the late Stephen Gately paid tribute to him on the second anniversary of his death today.