We at Just a Ball Game? are delighted to see the results from Bournemouth University students who have recently researched in to the wide scale homophobia in sport.
These statistics will help provide even more hard evidence that both sport governing bodies and education establishments need to step up their commitment into dealing with serious issues which affect the lives of many LGBT people throughout the UK.
The findings confirm that sport should be for everyone, but very often LGBT people are either excluded if they are ‘out’ or are pressured in to staying safe in the closet and possibly then not fulfilling their true potential.
The shocking statistics show that teachers and tutors are not taking any LGBT issues or homophobia seriously and that that 57% of those in education hear anti-gay language everyday followed by a further 26% hearing homophobia 2 to 3 times weekly are not surprising but are totally unacceptable.
Just a Ball Game? will continue to build on a much needed and welcoming gay/straight alliance through grass roots football, while the professional game and it’s governing bodies pay only lip service to those who need support the most and also starve proven worthwhile campaigns groups of much needed funding to deliver core values of SAFETY-INCLUSION-RESPECT.
Follow the link here for the report and more documentation: