Some football clubs has refused to engage with the rainbow laces campaign and the reason is just poor excuse to not take a stand against homophobia in football.
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Some football clubs to sensitive to Rainbow Laces Campaign
According to The Premier League Owl the reason is the catchy phrase : “We love football but it needs a kick up the arse”
Football is one of worlds most masculine sports with only three footballers has come out, late Justin Fashanu, Anton Hysen and Robbie Rogers.
Then you have some sensitive souls
I didn’t think that you could find to sensitive in a very masculine culture, and hiding behind battling stereotypes as you call it, instead of you writing what YOU have done to stop homophobia within the football culture.
The Premier League Owl writes :
How on Earth, in the approval stage, did anybody from Stonewall believe that it was appropriate to use that kind of phraseology within this context? It’s quite breathtaking. Rather than battling stereotypes, this campaign just seems to be reinforcing them – it’s all very eyebrows down, and it panders to a lot of the sexual assumptions that are made about homosexual men.
Why so sensitive Owl ? The football community and players needs kick up the arse to take a stand against homophobia, and then the phrase “kick up the arse” is no way a reference to anal sex as you think it is.
It seems like Owl and other agreeing with him, that gays can’t use the word arse in any context without offending some sensitive football souls that hearing the word arse is thinking about anal sex between men.
It’s not the gays that needs to change, it’s YOU! Get over your arse problem!
I and MySoCalledGayLife.co.uk supports Stonewall and PaddyPowers rainbow laces campaign.