Darkest erotica, insightful psychosis, lustful hearts that beat deep into dusk, other kinds of creatures you'll learn to love in this blood spattered, intensive, yet mysterious ride that will leave you yearning for more....

Dirty Sexy Deadly

Darkest erotica, insightful psychosis, lustful hearts that beat deep into dusk, other kinds of creatures you’ll learn to love in this blood spattered, intensive, yet mysterious ride that will leave you yearning for more….

Wade Radford is best known for his role as ‘Ethan Price’ in the Sex, Lies & Depravity Independent Film Franchise, Directed By Jason Impey, and written by himself.

In 2013/2014 Wade is due to begin filming on three new feature films, as well as welcoming the release of his debut book, a collection of short erotica stories called ‘Dirty, Sexy, Deadly’.

Dirty, Sexy, Deadly’ – a Collection of four dark, erotic stories. Wade presents to you – ‘The Serotine at Dawn’, ‘Xavier The Knife’, ‘Dream Lust’, & ‘The Serotine at Dawn: Part 2’.

‘This is unlike any story you have ever read—the story pulls the reader in and does not let him go and this takes great skill to do so’ – Amos Lassen, Reviewer.

So if you’re ready to be seduced, in my eyes – McSteamy, Wade Radford’s dark erotic stories, you can just buy ‘Dirty, Sexy, Deadly’!

Dirty Sexy Deadly

About the Author

Writes for MySoCalledGayLife.co.uk about music, movies, news and lot of other stuff too.