New guidance to bishops comes as England and Wales will see first gay marriage ceremonies take place next month.

Same Sex Marriage 02

New guidance to bishops comes as England and Wales will see first gay marriage ceremonies take place next month.

Bishops in the Church of England have issued new guidance warning clergy they should not bless couples in same-sex marriages, after the idea was recommended in an internal report last year.

The House of Bishops on Saturday was clarifying the Church’s response to new legislation allowing gay marriage in England and Wales, which will see the first ceremonies take place in March.

“Services of blessing should not be provided. Clergy should respond pastorally and sensitively in other ways,” said the guidance, drawn up at a meeting on Thursday, according to the AFP news agency.


Seems the House of Bishops still lives in the dark ages and they still need to discriminate LGBT people – even when they already have lost the fight against marriage equality.

Photo By Kurt Löwenstein Educational Center International Team from Germany (qe07 (9)) [CC-BY-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

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