Month: May 2014
American Family Association is no fan of Harvey Milk, nor his stamps.
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‘Hate Group’ Says Reject Mail with Harvey Milk Stamp
American Family Association is no fan of Harvey Milk, nor his stamps.
Yesterday, Gjert Moldestad wasn't allowed to wave the rainbow flag, today he can wave the rainbow flag as long it's not political marking.
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The Football Association of Norway sort of changed their minds
Yesterday, Gjert Moldestad wasn’t allowed to wave the rainbow flag, today he can wave the rainbow flag as long it’s not political marking.
North Jersey Pride, the nonprofit organisation dedicated to promoting equality, awareness, and understanding in the upper Garden State will be awarding the inaugural “Outstanding Ally Award” at its fourth annual Pride Festival on Sunday, June 8.
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North Jersey Pride to Present First “Outstanding Ally Award” at Pride Festival 2014
North Jersey Pride, the nonprofit organisation dedicated to promoting equality, awareness, and understanding in the upper Garden State will be awarding the inaugural “Outstanding Ally Award” at its fourth annual Pride Festival on Sunday, June 8.
Gjert Moldestad didn't get permission to wave the rainbow flag during the football match between Norway and Russia this Saturday.
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The Football Association of Norway : No to the Rainbow flag
Gjert Moldestad didn’t get permission to wave the rainbow flag during the football match between Norway and Russia this Saturday.
Alongside playing football for the club she's supported since she was 12, the 37-year-old also works as a Neighbourhood Housing Manager at Northwards, helping tenants with their housing problems and ensuring her company's estates look their best.
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Manchester City Women goalkeeper Andie Worrall has two passions in life
Alongside playing football for the club she’s supported since she was 12, the 37-year-old also works as a Neighbourhood Housing Manager at Northwards, helping tenants with their housing problems and ensuring her company’s estates look their best.
Today the Houston City Council passed the Equal Rights ordinance by a vote of 11-6.
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Houston City Council Passes Equal Rights Ordinance Protecting all Houstonians from Discrimination
Today the Houston City Council passed the Equal Rights ordinance by a vote of 11-6.