British film, Pride, recently went on DVD in US – but the cover has been altered.
But marketing gurus have been forced to ‘straight-wash’ 2013 British film Pride – so that it appeals to a wide US audience.
The DVD cover of the movie, based on the campaign of a gay and lesbian activist group, has been altered – with any reference to the film’s focal theme of homosexuality removed, reports.
USA the land of the free – with some limitations… UK the kingdom of the free – can put the word gay on the DVD cover. tweeted :
Are @SonyPictures and @CBSFilms just like #russia – homophobic ? censored #Pride the movie cover. #LGBT
— MySoCalledGayLife (@mscgluk) January 2, 2015 even got a reply from CBS Films :
@mscgluk @Str8Grandmother @SonyPictures we're looking into this now, but our page for the film remains the same
— CBS Films (@CBSFilms) January 3, 2015