Month: April 2015
Aidan Gillen Game of Thrones / Queer as Folk UK star has posted a video calling for a Yes Vote in the upcoming Marriage Equality referendum in Ireland.
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Aidan Gillen: “Vote Yes For The Future Of Every Young LGBT Person”
Aidan Gillen Game of Thrones / Queer as Folk UK star has posted a video calling for a Yes Vote in the upcoming Marriage Equality referendum in Ireland.
Auckland Council’s Governing Body, chaired by Mayor Len Brown, today formally approved the creation of a new Rainbow Community Advisory Panel.
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Auckland Council approves new Rainbow Community Advisory Panel
Auckland Council’s Governing Body, chaired by Mayor Len Brown, today formally approved the creation of a new Rainbow Community Advisory Panel.
U2's Songs of Innocence album cover, which depicts Larry Mullen embracing his son, has come under fire in Russia for promoting homosexuality.
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U2 Songs of Innocence album cover under fire in Russia for promoting homosexuality
U2’s Songs of Innocence album cover, which depicts Larry Mullen embracing his son, has come under fire in Russia for promoting homosexuality.
Yesterday, the EU Court of Justice (EUCJ) ruled that permanently banning men who have had sex with men (MSM) from blood donation, may be justified, depending on the situation in the country.
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EU Court: Permanent exclusion homosexual and bisexual men from blood donation may be justified
Yesterday, the EU Court of Justice (EUCJ) ruled that permanently banning men who have had sex with men (MSM) from blood donation, may be justified, depending on the situation in the country.
Labor frontbenchers are at odds over whether the ALP should scrap a conscience vote on same-sex unions and instead make it binding for all party MPs to vote for gay marriage.
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Australia Labor frontbenchers at odds over same-sex marriage conscience vote
Labor frontbenchers are at odds over whether the ALP should scrap a conscience vote on same-sex unions and instead make it binding for all party MPs to vote for gay marriage.