Kjersti Dreyer Sidselrud, leader of AUF Hedmark exults after the Norwegian Labour Party congress has decided to allow gays men to give blood. It has been a main issue for years.
We have promoted this issue for the county annual meeting in Hedmark Labor Party (Arbeiderpartiet) for several years and we’ve got some representatives there. Finally, we received support in the Labour Party congress, she is cheering.
Sidselrud and AUF has long argued that it is unreasonable to deny healthy men to give blood because they have sex with men.
In Norway there is a lack of blood at the blood bank, and we need constantly import blood from other countries. Among other we import blood from Sweden, where gay men are allowed to give blood.
Read more at glomdalen.no
Photo By Lance Cpl. Shawn Valosin (https://www.dvidshub.net/image/1189257) [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons