Marriage equality advocates have labelled a Catholic booklet against marriage equality as “harmful to children” and have written to all Catholic Education Offices around Australia urging them not to distribute it.
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Advocates Urge Catholic Educators Not To Distribute “Harmful Booklet”
The booklet, called “Don’t Mess With Marriage”, has been produced by the Catholic Bishops’ Conference and has already been distributed to some Catholic school students in some states.
Australian Marriage Equality national director, Rodney Croome, said,
“We have written to all Catholic Education Offices urging them not to distribute the booklet because it contains misinformation about marriage equality and because it harms vulnerable children including young lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex people and the children of same-sex couples.”
“If Catholic educators have already distributed the booklet we urge them to provide both sides of the debate or stand accused of propaganda rather than education.”
“We are happy to work with Catholic educators to ensure students who have heard the case against marriage equality also hear the case in favour of it.”
A copy of the letter to Catholic Education Offices is included below.
The letter
Rodney Croome AM
National Director
Australian Marriage Equality
0409 010 668
Executive Officer
Catholic Education Office
Dear Sir or Madam,
Australian Marriage Equality is deeply concerned about a booklet “Don’t Mess With Marriage” currently being distributed to children at some Catholic schools in Australia. We urge your office and your schools’ principals not distribute this booklet for the reasons listed below. If the booklet has already been distributed, or you intend to distribute them regardless of our concerns, we urge you to provide both sides of the debate.
Spreading misinformation
There are many egregious examples of misinformation in the booklet. Here is a representative sample.
The booklet asserts that marriage equality will “destablize marriage”. The booklet fails to provide any examples of how marriage has been destablised in any of the countries that allow same-sex couples to marry. To our knowledge, there are none. For example, the booklet suggests marriage equality might lead to the recognition of “thruples” yet there is no evidence of this in any country with marriage equality.
The booklet asserts “Advocates for ‘same-sex marriage’ rarely focus on the real meaning and purpose of marriage”. Australian Marriage Equality often addresses this issue. We define marriage as it is defined in the Marriage Act as a loving, committed lifelong union.
The booklet asserts, “If the civil definition of marriage were changed to include ‘same-sex marriage’ then our law and culture would teach that marriage is merely about emotional union of two or more people”. As cited above, Australian law already defines marriage this way. In Australian law marriage is not a license to procreate. The law certainly does not define marriage in the same way as the Catholic Church. It is damaging to teach children the lie that the state currently upholds the church’s definition of marriage.
The booklet wrongly asserts people of religious conscience have been discriminated against where marriage equality prevails. Most of the examples cited are not related to marriage equality or are misrepresentations and exaggerations. For example, the booklet says Danish pastors have been forced to marry same-sex couples. This is untrue. Danish pastors have a choice. The booklet also says Catholic adoption agencies have been forced to close for not assessing same-sex couples as potential adoptive parents. In each case, closure was the agency’s choice and had nothing to do with marriage equality. It is damaging to engender false fears in young people.
Harm to vulnerable children
The booklet does immense damage to vulnerable young people. Here we refer to young people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex, as well as the children of same-sex couples. We know from credible Australian research that young LGBTI people are vulnerable to prejudice, discrimination, and bullying which leads, in turn, to higher rates of depression, anxiety, drug and alcohol abuse, early school leaving and suicide. The children of same-sex couples can experience prejudice and discrimination.
The booklet wrongly asserts that same-sex relationships are “friendships”. It is is damaging to vulnerable young people to suggest that the deep love and commitment in same-sex relationships is simply friendship. This says to young LGBTI people that they should not aspire to a committed, conjugal relationship and to the children of same-sex couples that their family is second rate.
The booklet wrongly asserts that “Christians believe that all people including those with same-sex attraction are called by God to live chastely”. This says to young LGBTI people that their sexual attractions are wrong and that they should not aspire to a conjugal relationship. It says to young LGBTI people of faith that Christianity does not accept them, even though there are many Christian denominations that do.
The booklet says “messing with marriage” means “messing with kids”. This suggests to young LGBTI people that they are a threat to children. It says to the children of same-sex couples that they are growing up in a dysfunctional environment when all credible research shows the children of same-sex couples are as well adjusted as other children.
A respectful debate
We urge you to consider your duty of care to students, and not distribute this damaging booklet in your schools. If it has already been distributed, or if you intend to go ahead regardless of the damage caused, we urge you to provide all students with the other side of the debate. This can be done through the distribution of written material or through inviting advocates in to speak about why marriage equality matters. Education is about being informed of, and understanding, both sides of an issue. Providing one side is not education, it is propaganda.
We thank you for your time and look forward to your response.
Best wishes,
Rodney Croome AM
National Director
Australian Marriage Equality