A clear majority of voters in key Coalition-held seats support MPs having a free vote on same-sex marriage, according to a new poll.

Same Sex Marriage 02

A clear majority of voters in key Coalition-held seats support MPs having a free vote on same-sex marriage, according to a new poll.

A ReachTEL survey of four federal seats, including one of the country’s most marginal, has found that between 64 and 69 per cent of voters back a free vote for all MPs.

The results come as Coalition MPs gather for their regular sitting week meeting on Tuesday. And as Labor leader Bill Shorten and Greens leader Richard Di Natale continue to pressure Prime Minister Tony Abbott to smooth the way for a free vote for Liberal MPs on same-sex marriage.

Read more at smh.com.au

Photo By Kurt Löwenstein Educational Center International Team from Germany (qe07 (9)) [CC-BY-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

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