Advocates have applauded Australian National Rugby League (NRL) for supporting marriage equality.


Advocates have applauded Australian National Rugby League (NRL) for supporting marriage equality.

In a letter to Australian Marriage Equality the NRL says it supports the reform, joining a growing list of businesses and community groups that also back change.

NRL Chief Operating Officer Suzanne Young said:

“One of the NRL’s core values is inclusiveness and we have put in place practices and policies to support and recognise the rights of our LGBTI community. Accordingly, the NRL supports marriage equality.

“We are very proud that the NRL was the first national sporting organisation to join as a member of the Pride in Diversity Index. For the past three years our welfare and education programs have included homophobia as part of our broader Respectful Relationships programs.”

Australian Marriage Equality national director, Rodney Croome, said,

“We applaud the NRL for its principled stand in support of marriage equality and for its defence of fundamental Australian values like equal opportunity and a fair go.”

“The NRL’s stance reflects growing momentum for marriage equality across all sections of Australian society.”

For a news report on the NRL decision, and comment from Rabbitohs star, Thomas Burgess, click here.

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Publishes press/media releases and content for LGBT media outlets.