Advocates have applauded a statement in support of marriage equality by the board of leading anti-depression initiative, Beyond Blue, signed by the organisation’s chair, former Victorian Coalition Premier, Jeff Kennett.
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Advocates Applaud Board Of Beyond Blue For Supporting Marriage Equality
In its statement the board says the exclusion of same-sex couples from marriage “causes so much unnecessary hurt, pain, mental illness and worse to some”. It labels discriminatory provisions in the Marriage Act “a law we consider to be out-dated, inequitable and unfair”.
Australian Marriage Equality national director, Rodney Croome, said,
“Beyond Blue’s statement is a wake-up call for those politicians who, for too long, have ignored the severe mental health impacts of marriage discrimination.”
“The fact this statement is signed by the board, including a range of experts and community leaders, including Jeff Kennett, is a reminder to all Coalition members that their party is way out of step with both scientific and mainstream opinion.”
A copy of the Beyond Blue statement is here.