Month: December 2015
It's New Year's Eve and LGBT Music Vote nominees has been waiting for the result since the vote was launched in the end of November. The wait is over for everyone and here are the result.
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LGBT Music Vote 2015 – The result are in
It’s New Year’s Eve and LGBT Music Vote nominees has been waiting for the result since the vote was launched in the end of November. The wait is over for everyone and here are the result.
A young transgender woman says she is close to despair after being unable to find work. Rihanna Cooper, 21, hit the headlines when, at 16, she became the youngest person in Britain to be accepted for gender reassignment.
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‘Give me a chance’: Transgender woman Rihanna Cooper desperate for a job
A young transgender woman says she is close to despair after being unable to find work. Rihanna Cooper, 21, hit the headlines when, at 16, she became the youngest person in Britain to be accepted for gender reassignment.
Singer James Blunt says that he “would like to be considered an honorary gay man” in light of comments he receives because of his “sensitive” songs.
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Singer James Blunt : ‘To call me gay is a compliment’
Singer James Blunt says that he “would like to be considered an honorary gay man” in light of comments he receives because of his “sensitive” songs.
Mark Salling, best known as Noah "Puck" Puckerman on "Glee," was arrested Tuesday on charges of possession of child pornography, Los Angeles Police Department officer Liliana Preciado said.
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Mark Salling of ‘Glee’ fame arrested on child porn charges
Mark Salling, best known as Noah “Puck” Puckerman on “Glee,” was arrested Tuesday on charges of possession of child pornography, Los Angeles Police Department officer Liliana Preciado said.
The Turkish Football Federation (TFF) has been fined after sacking a referee on the grounds he is gay.
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Turkish football federation fined after sacking referee because he was gay
The Turkish Football Federation (TFF) has been fined after sacking a referee on the grounds he is gay.
Cristiano Ronaldo is preparing to return to Morocco to see in the New Year with his kick boxer friend Badr Hari, local reports say.
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Visiting secret gay lover? Cristiano Ronaldo ‘books luxury suite to see kickboxing hunk’
Cristiano Ronaldo is preparing to return to Morocco to see in the New Year with his kick boxer friend Badr Hari, local reports say.