Month: May 2016
The star’s sexuality has been a hot topic after he revealed he had filmed a gay sex scene for his role in Kingdom, the U.S martial arts drama series.
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Nick Jonas : I’ll be lying if I said I’ve never had sex with a man
The star’s sexuality has been a hot topic after he revealed he had filmed a gay sex scene for his role in Kingdom, the U.S martial arts drama series.
British singer Elton John told a concert in Moscow he still wanted to meet President Vladimir Putin to discuss his concerns about gay rights and AIDS in Russia despite the Kremlin leader not having time to meet him this time round.
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Elton John tells Russians fans he still wants to meet Putin to talk gay rights
British singer Elton John told a concert in Moscow he still wanted to meet President Vladimir Putin to discuss his concerns about gay rights and AIDS in Russia despite the Kremlin leader not having time to meet him this time round.
A new bill introduced in the National Assembly will allow transgender children as young as 14 to be legally entitled to modify their birth certificate to indicate their gender of choice in Quebec.
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Quebec bill proposes legal name and gender change for transgender children
A new bill introduced in the National Assembly will allow transgender children as young as 14 to be legally entitled to modify their birth certificate to indicate their gender of choice in Quebec.
When Bryan Hawn was 18 he created a beautiful version of Whitney Houston's classic 'I Will Always Love You'.
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Young Bryan Hawn created beautiful version of I Will Always Love You
When Bryan Hawn was 18 he created a beautiful version of Whitney Houston’s classic ‘I Will Always Love You’.
Allan Glaser Productions has announced the U.S nationwide cable and digital release of Tab Hunter Confidential.
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The Man Behind The Movie Star Smile Shines In Tab Hunter Confidential
Allan Glaser Productions has announced the U.S nationwide cable and digital release of Tab Hunter Confidential.
Dublin City Council has refused permission for their gorgeous Pantibar sign, and Panti Bliss asking for your help in appealing that decision to An Bórd Pleanála.
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Save The Pantibar Sign
Dublin City Council has refused permission for their gorgeous Pantibar sign, and Panti Bliss asking for your help in appealing that decision to An Bórd Pleanála.