BeLonG To are delighted that the new Government are promising to take a proactive and pragmatic approach to LGBT Youth Affairs with a series of measures that will benefit all.
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BeLonG To welcomes the promise of “Fostering Greater Social Inclusion and Empowering the LGBT Community”
We hope that cross political support will enable a rapid introduction and development of these constructive measures.
It is vital that the Government recognise the need to plan ahead for this new generation, by putting in place measures that provide them equality of opportunity; through education, preventative health care, and support services.
The Programme for Government commits to:
‘We will develop an LGBT Youth Strategy that will encompass education, youth services, mental health and other issues. As part of this strategy, we will review implementation of the National Action Plan on Bullying in our schools.’
Moninne Griffith, Executive Director of BeLong To said, “We delighted that these commitments have been made in key areas that will greatly help young lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth and those that support them.
“We are heartened that the Government recognise that the voice of youth must be heard. The importance of emotional well-being and its impact on quality of life, physical and mental well-being cannot be understated. This is particularly the case in mental health of LGBT youth and we hope that adequate funding will be put in place to protect this vital part of people’s lives. “
“This is our core work and covers areas where there is real need in the younger community. It is also very timely as yesterday saw the launch The LGBT Safe and Supportive Schools Project model – a venture from BeLonG To in conjunction with the HSE, to prevent homophobic and transphobic bullying in schools by creating safe, supportive and fully inclusive schools for young LGBT students. Such commitments will support this type of successful work in the future.
Griffith added “BeLonG To wish to play its part in bringing about these positive changes and are looking forward to working with the new Minister for Children & Youth Affairs Katherine Zappone and her colleagues in Government and the Oireachtas in the betterment of children’s lives. These pledges are a positive step to making the lives of all our children and young people better.”