Day: June 10, 2016

European Court of Human Rights has just ruled that the French courts did not discriminate on the grounds of sexual orientation, when French court declared a marriage between a same-sex couple to be not valid.
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Radical group Christian Concern celebrates France win over Chapin and Charpentier
European Court of Human Rights has just ruled that the French courts did not discriminate on the grounds of sexual orientation, when French court declared a marriage between a same-sex couple to be not valid.
After nearly two months, Gov. McCrory, Senator Berger, and Speaker Moore have still not released public records on how and why HB 2 was passed.
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New Emails Reveal North Carolina HB 2 Author Compared LGBTQ Advocates to Taliban
After nearly two months, Gov. McCrory, Senator Berger, and Speaker Moore have still not released public records on how and why HB 2 was passed.
In the fascinating new book Queer Identities and Politics in Germany: A History, 1880-1945, author Clayton J. Whisnant recounts the emergence of various “queer identities”–what it means to be lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender–in Germany from 1880 to 1945 and the political strategies pursued by early gay and lesbian activists.
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New Book Reveals Surprisingly Modern, Relevant Gay Rights Activism in Late 19th and Early 20th Century Germany
In the fascinating new book Queer Identities and Politics in Germany: A History, 1880-1945, author Clayton J. Whisnant recounts the emergence of various “queer identities”–what it means to be lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender–in Germany from 1880 to 1945 and the political strategies pursued by early gay and lesbian activists.
Yesterday, the European Parliament approved a regulation on acceptance of public documents for EU citizens living in another EU country.
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European Parliament votes for EU-wide acceptance public documents
Yesterday, the European Parliament approved a regulation on acceptance of public documents for EU citizens living in another EU country.