Day: June 25, 2016

Bryan Hawn has taken Ariana Grande 's Dangerous Woman and created a dangerous hot new video.
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Dangerous Hot Bryan Hawn in new video parody
Bryan Hawn has taken Ariana Grande ‘s Dangerous Woman and created a dangerous hot new video.
LGBT people chanted it's Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn fault for the Brexit when he visited London Pride today.
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Jeremy Corbyn blamed of Brexit by LGBT people at London Pride
LGBT people chanted it’s Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn fault for the Brexit when he visited London Pride today.
From the time he came out at age twelve, the Venezuelan-born musician and performer has ridden an emotional roller coaster of self-discovery and discrimination.
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Migguel Anggelo – Another Son of Venezuela and The Rainbow Family
From the time he came out at age twelve, the Venezuelan-born musician and performer has ridden an emotional roller coaster of self-discovery and discrimination.
So many wants to sign the UK petition that has crashed the website this morning - the site is run by UK government.
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UK petition for second EU referendum signed by over 3 mil – growing rapidly
So many wants to sign the UK petition that has crashed the website this morning – the site is run by UK government.
104 parade performances are ready to be part of Oslo Pride parade today Saturday 25 June. The record from 2014, when the Oslo Pride hosted the Europride, is then beaten.
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Oslo is ready for record Pride Parade today
104 parade performances are ready to be part of Oslo Pride parade today Saturday 25 June. The record from 2014, when the Oslo Pride hosted the Europride, is then beaten.
The whole world is reeling after a milestone referendum in Britain to leave the European Union. And although leaders of the campaign to exit Europe are crowing over their victory, it seems many Britons may not even know what they had actually voted for.
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Brits are frantically Googling what the EU is, hours after voting to leave it
The whole world is reeling after a milestone referendum in Britain to leave the European Union. And although leaders of the campaign to exit Europe are crowing over their victory, it seems many Britons may not even know what they had actually voted for.