17th of May are known as IDAHOT, but in Norway that day is even something else as well - it's Norwegian Constitution Day too.
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Norway’s Beautiful Way To Mark IDAHOT
If you have been in Norway, on 17th of May (17de Mai as it’s called in Norway), you know how the Norwegian celebrates their Constitution Day. Promise you you will not find something similar anywhere.
Below you can see how it celebrated with children’s parade, all over the country.
The National Broadcaster NRK (yes, the same channel that gave us SKAM) found a special way to mark IDAHOT. Every year after Hans Majestet Kongens Garde (HMKG) (His Majesty The King’s Guard; the Royal Guards) band & drill company has showed their drill skills – they invites the ladies to a dance with the guards – this year the tv reporter Thomas Alkärr (happens to be Swedish) was invited to dance with one of the male guards – this was to mark IDAHOT (same-sex dancing has never been done before in this segment of the day according to our sources).
Photo by NRK