"In a Heartbeat" is an animated short film created by Beth David and Esteban Bravo.

In a Heartbeat

“In a Heartbeat” is an animated short film created by Beth David and Esteban Bravo.

In a Heartbeat” is an animated short film created by Beth David and Esteban Bravo.

“In a Heartbeat” is about a closeted boy runs the risk of being outed by his own heart after it pops out of his chest to chase down the boy of his dreams.

A beautiful creation made by Beth and Esteban. I think everyone in the LGBTQ can easily relate to the closeted boy – trying to look without anyone noticing…. I would love to see more of this cartoon!

In a Heartbeat

About the Author

Writes for MySoCalledGayLife.co.uk about music, movies, news and lot of other stuff too.