Month: November 2017
The Shirtless Violinist has created a new master piece, he has taken Star Wars and sparkling it with little gayness and out comes Star Gays.
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“Shirtless Violinist” puts a gay twist on Star Wars
The Shirtless Violinist has created a new master piece, he has taken Star Wars and sparkling it with little gayness and out comes Star Gays.
Non-Binary transgender persons, ie persons who do not define themselves as one of the gender categories of male or female, feel worse than other transgender people in this study.
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Sweden : Efforts are needed for non-binary transgender health
Non-Binary transgender persons, ie persons who do not define themselves as one of the gender categories of male or female, feel worse than other transgender people in this study.
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau apologised on Tuesday for a decades-long campaign by previous governments to rid the military and public service of homosexuals, calling the dark chapter in the country’s history a “collective shame.”
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Canada : Apologises for persecution of gay public servants
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau apologised on Tuesday for a decades-long campaign by previous governments to rid the military and public service of homosexuals, calling the dark chapter in the country’s history a “collective shame.”
Following up their fascinating 2014 book, “Male Sex Work and Society,” a groundbreaking collection of essays and studies on male sex work, Australian professors Victor Minichiello and John Scott are sharing the results of a recent survey they conducted of online male escort profiles around the world.
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Answered: How many male escorts are there?
Following up their fascinating 2014 book, “Male Sex Work and Society,” a groundbreaking collection of essays and studies on male sex work, Australian professors Victor Minichiello and John Scott are sharing the results of a recent survey they conducted of online male escort profiles around the world.
This World AIDS Day, New Zealanders have two reasons to celebrate – a massive scientific discovery and the proposed funding of a revolutionary HIV prevention pill.
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Huge breakthroughs could spell the end for HIV in New Zealand
This World AIDS Day, New Zealanders have two reasons to celebrate – a massive scientific discovery and the proposed funding of a revolutionary HIV prevention pill.
Tonight it was the final for the Alt for Norge (aka ‘The Great Norway Adventure’) on Discovery Networks tv channel TVNorge.
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Odessa wins Alt for Norge (aka ‘The Great Norway Adventure’)
Tonight it was the final for the Alt for Norge (aka ‘The Great Norway Adventure’) on Discovery Networks tv channel TVNorge.