Norway's GayGalla is back after a few years break - this years gala will be hosted by Janne Formoe and Niklas Baarli at the historical Chateau Neuf on Saturday February 3rd.
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GayGalla are back in Norway In February
On GayGalla on Saturday 3rd of February, there will be given out awards for big and small heroes that make everyday life for LHBTQ people, and society better and more fun, this is how GayGalla describe it self.
SKAM are nominated in the category Norwegian TV Series/Film and even Nils Bech‘s version O Helga Natt (O Holy Night) you might remember from 3rd season of SKAM – are nominated the Norwegian song of the year – even the song are sung in Swedish.
Norwegian TV2’s Født i feil kropp (Born in the wrong body) are also nominated in the category Norwegian TV Series/Film – that is documentary series about transgender people in Norway. One of the best documentary, I’ve ever seen about transgender people – if you have chance watch it.
I hope that the Norwegian GayGalla is back for good this time around.
So if you are in Oslo on the Saturday 3rd of February – you can by tickets here.