National Student Pride call for Government to make sure there is no opt-out for faith schools on LGBTQ+ issues in Relationship and Sex education.
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LGBTQ issues will have «strong feature» in UK Sex Ed lessons
Speaking in parliament in the last hour, Education secretary Damian Hinds has confirmed LGBTQ issues will have a «strong feature» within the new Relationships & Sex Education guidance:
«It includes teaching and guidance at age-appropriate stages – this includes LGBTQ content as a strong feature at age appropriate points. It sets out core content but allows flexibility for schools own pupils».
More details here.
National Student Pride is strongly welcoming this move, but wants to know whether LGBTQ content will be subject to any opt-outs for faith schools:
Hatti Smart, student chair of National Student Pride, says:
«This is wonderful news for the LGBTQ+ young people who have been feeling marginalised and left out of the current curriculum. We welcome the Education secretary’s words».
«But we now need to know if LGBTQ content will be part of the compulsory guidance and during the 12-week consultation. We hope as many LGBTQ+ voices as possible take part to ensure this happens with no-opt outs for any schools on LGBTQ inclusive RSE, including faith schools.’
«We see the power of talking about your identity from a young age every year at our event. So introducing positive conversations about your sex and gender identity it at an age where teen angst is at its highest is so valuable».
«In the years after section 28 which banned ‘promoting homosexuality», this will finally make a significant step into making young LGBTQ+ people feel part of the conversation at school and help them shape their identity safely.