Lebanon has reached a milestone in terms of rights for LGBTQ people.


Lebanon has reached a milestone in terms of rights for LGBTQ people.

An appeal court has ruled that it is no longer a crime to be gay.

This is a big step, says Georges Azzi, at the AFE Human Rights Organisation.

It could be a small step for the Middle East, but it is at least a success for LGBTQ rights in Lebanon.

«This is a big step towards decriminalising homosexuality in Lebanon, even though we have not reached all the way yet», says Georges Azzi at the Human Rights Organisation The Arab Foundation for Freedom and Equality, to SVT News.

According to Article 534 of the Lebanese Criminal Code, sexual acts which are «against nature» are prohibited and may give up to one year’s imprisonment. The article has been used to seize and scare homosexuals in the country. By 2016, approximately 76 people was arrested in Lebanon in accordance to Article 534, AP writes.

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