This year, the Nazi Nordic resistance movement was denied attendance in the Politician's Week in Almedalen in Visby.
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Swedish Police protecting Neo-Nazist rights, not LGBTQ people so much
But today, Tuesday, Neo-Nazi Nordic Resistance (NMR) was placing a stand next to RFSL (Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights) temporary premises in Södertorg. RFSL Youth has canceled planned presence during the Almedal Politician Week.
Politician’s Week in Almedalen, (Politikerveckan i Almedalen) is an annual event taking place in week 27 in and around Almedalen, a park in the city of Visby on the Swedish island Gotland.
From this Tuesday, the Nordic resistance movement will have a stand at Södertorg in Visby. For several years, Swedish Federation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights (RFSL), have been at the temporary Almedal premises. For security reasons, the youth federation now chosen to set up its activities and attendance during the week.
During the year, Neo-Nazi Nordic Resistance has conducted the campaign «Crush Gaylobby» / «Krossa homolobbyn» in Sweden and Norway.
«It’s a very clear message, and it’s absolutely absurd that the police do not seem to see it», said Frank Berglund ( Federal Chairman of RFSL Youth) to SVT.se.
The police says, however, that there is no need for concern: the square is big, says Elisabeth Anestad to SVT.se, and continues:
The Swedish Police states : «We are in dialogue with RFSL and we have an understanding that they can feel a subjective concern. But we do not feel worried, we the police will be there too».
How tone deaf can the Swedish Police be ? They apparently sinked to a new low. Apparently the Swedish Police are very eager to please Neo-Nazi Nordic Resistance and don’t care hurting the LGBTQ community. How can Swedish LGBTQ community trust the Swedish Police ?
Photo By Poxnar [Public domain], from Wikimedia Commons