YouTuber Sasha Domansky tells his coming out story to his religious Russian family and what a nightmare that followed.

Sasha Domansky
Photo by Sasha Domansky (YouTube)

3 years after Sasha Domansky came out, he feel strong enough to tell his heartbreaking story. His story is an important reminder that not everyone has a supporting family as me or maybe you.

I’m encouraging you to watch Sasha’s coming out story and his follow up video (both video’s found below). He gives some great advice what you should consider to think about before coming out based on his experience. You can use his advice as a check list – what you think would apply for your situation. I want to point out as Sasha do as well, come out when you are ready – don’t let anyone pressure you before you a ready for it.

My Story : Coming Out To My Religous Russian Family

Watch this if you are still in the closet as Gay and need advice

About the Author

Writes for about music, movies, news and lot of other stuff too.