Many will be aware that LGBT IPC Athletes are welcome to participate in the championships regardless of their age, sexuality, health status, ability or gender.
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LGBT Powerlifting Union – «Advocacy & Inclusion Within Powerlifting»
In 2017 LGBT IPC introduced a new MX third gender category, which welcomes transgender, non-binary and intersex participants to compete. The LGBT IPC is very proud to be the first sporting event in the world to introduce a third gender category, so MX people can participate in a safe environment, without fear of discrimination. Since introducing MX Category we have been overwhelmed by responses and correspondence from Athletes, Coaches, Officials, Supporters and Powerlifting Organisations.
Many of the LGBT Powerlifting matters raised since have caused great emotional responses both from within and from outside of the LGBTQ Community. We believe that some of these issues are so complex and views widespread that we are scheduling a series of Global «Stakeholder» consultation meetings between now and the end of 2019. The meetings will be scheduled in such a way to make sure that everyone who is interested, has an opportunity to attend at least one of these meetings. These are some of the main issues that have been highlighted to us by «stakeholders» from within LGBT Powerlifting over the last 12 months.
- «LGBT Powerlifting Advocacy» – Acceptable terminology, acronyms and abbreviations for use globally both within the LGBT Powerlifting Community and the mainstream Powerlifting Communities.
- «Association Rules» – How mainstream federation rules affect LGBT Powerlifting both now and in the future – as we prepare the Gay Games in Hong Kong 2022 and LGBT IPC Blackpool 2020.
- «Transgender Inclusion» – How mainstream federation rules affect LGBT Powerlifting both now and in the future and how the inclusion of Trans people in Powerlifting affects our CIS male and CIS female partners.
The «Stakeholder Meetings» will be hosted by the LGBT Powerlifting Union and designed to give everyone who has contacted us an opportunity to interact and contribute in a considered, professional and meaningful way, We would like to acknowledge that LGBT Powerlifting issues have moved on quickly since the introduction of LGBT IPC in 2017 and MX Category in 2018 and we believe a global consultation at this moment in time would be a good way of sharing information and views on issues affecting LGBT Powerlifters all over the world.
The stakeholder meetings are designed to give delegates the opportunity to share their views and in a structured way, so that the interests of all LGBT Powerlifters are taken into consideration in any future interactions with any mainstream organisations wishing to interact with the LGBT Powerlifting Union over their LGBT policies and guidelines in the future. We believe it would be in the interests of all LGBT Powerlifters worldwide to be in communication with each other over these matters and we hope the LGBT Powerlifting Community and stakeholders engage with this process.
Charlotte Wareing, Co-President of the LGBT Powerlifting Union, commenting on the forthcoming stakeholder meetings …
«We believe that athletes, coaches, officials, organisations and spectators all have a deep interest in ensuring that sporting competition remains fair and inclusive».
«The LGBT Powerlifting Union and LGBT IPC has a strong tradition of bringing new lifters into the sport and we believe this is due to our commitment to openness, fairness, and inclusivity within competition – regardless of a person’s sexuality or gender. The LGBT Powerlifting Union invite all those interested in the development of LGBT Powerlifting to contribute to the Stakeholder Consultation and we invite people to contact us in preparation for the forthcoming meetings The closing date for inclusion in the Consultation process is Thursday 31st October 2019».
The LGBT Powerlifting Union are now in the process of inviting interested “Stakeholder” to the series of meetings which will be scheduled before the end of 2019. If you would like to be part of these “Stakeholder” meetings, then please email Chris Morgan chunky@chunkymuscle.com or Charlotte Wareing at chazwrng@netscape.net.