Tati Westbrook breaks the silence.
Shane Dawson is panics after Tati Westbrook video was published and live streams on Instagram, while watching the video – acting like guilty one and his boyfriend Ryland Adams are lashing out on Twitter towards Tati Westbrook – because Shane is the victim…. While Mr.Dawson has not taken the time to address the Smith’s family response to him sexualising Willow Smith when she was 11 years old, but Tati’s video got instant response (he has his priorities in right order…). You could ask, if he is more afraid of Tati, than to address his sexualising Will Smith‘s daughter. Peter Monn says Tati just confirms Shane’s behaviour we have seen in public lately in a video response to Tati’s video.
She talks about Jeffree Star and his blackmailing behaviour towards fellow YouTubers. So she warns that he will revolt and share what he has on fellow YouTubers. Watch the video below.