Month: July 2020
Further Efforts Needed to Prevent, Prosecute Hate Crimes.
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El Salvador: Police Officers Convicted for Transgender Murder
Further Efforts Needed to Prevent, Prosecute Hate Crimes.
Survivors in Lebanon Lack Needed Services.
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Sexual Violence Against Men, Trans Women in Syria Conflict
Survivors in Lebanon Lack Needed Services.
The GLBT Historical Society will be unveiling an online version of its successful exhibition «Angela Davis: OUTspoken», which was on display at the GLBT Historical Society Museum from February to September 2018.
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Online Exhibition «Angela Davis: OUTspoken» Explores Activist’s Radical History
The GLBT Historical Society will be unveiling an online version of its successful exhibition «Angela Davis: OUTspoken», which was on display at the GLBT Historical Society Museum from February to September 2018.
The LGBT+ Network at Govia Thameslink Railway (GTR) is preparing to celebrate Pride in a whole new way, joining the raft of virtual events from the organisers, following the cancellation of the annual Brighton & Hove Pride event due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
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Railway workers get set for virtual Brighton & Hove Pride celebrations
The LGBT+ Network at Govia Thameslink Railway (GTR) is preparing to celebrate Pride in a whole new way, joining the raft of virtual events from the organisers, following the cancellation of the annual Brighton & Hove Pride event due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
About 14 days several legal reforms were passed by the Sovereign Council of Sudan, including banning of female genital mutilation, removal of an apostasy law which punished abandonment of Islam with death by stoning, as well as banning public flogging.
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Reforms in Sudan Result in Removal of Death Penalty and Flogging for Same-Sex Relations
About 14 days several legal reforms were passed by the Sovereign Council of Sudan, including banning of female genital mutilation, removal of an apostasy law which punished abandonment of Islam with death by stoning, as well as banning public flogging.
ILGA-Europe, TGEU and Transvanilla welcome landmark judgement from the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) recognising the right of refugees to legal gender recognition .
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LGBTI organisations welcome judgement from the ECHR recognising the right of refugees to legal gender recognition
ILGA-Europe, TGEU and Transvanilla welcome landmark judgement from the European Court of Human Rights (ECHR) recognising the right of refugees to legal gender recognition .