Jackie gives advice of how to get an inclusive workplace for your LGBTQ+ employees.
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4 Progressive Ways Businesses Can Build an Inclusive Workplace for LGBTQ+ Employees
Promoting LGBTQ rights in the workplace will help a company perform better, according to a Microsoft UK director. However, in addition to this, promoting an inclusive and progressive workplace for employees can ensure higher productivity, higher job satisfaction, and more — such as creating a safe and enjoyable place for all employees to work. With that in mind, here are just four progressive ways that companies can foster an inclusive and progressive environment for all.
Creating a safe space
Perhaps one of the best ways that companies around the world are setting an inclusive foundation for LGBTQ employees is by creating a safe workplace. This is imperative, as nearly 7 in 10 LGBTQ people have been sexually harassed at work, according to research for the Trades Union Congress. With that in mind, companies can foster a safe work environment by enforcing anti-discrimination laws, particularly in a way that involves zero-tolerance policies, as well as by promoting the rights of LGBT employees. In taking discrimination seriously, companies can help in fostering a safer workplace environment for all.
Companies can also create a safe workplace for employees that identify as LGBTQ by cultivating a supportive work environment in additional, more public ways as well. For example, coming up with a company-wide, positive mission statement and being openly supportive of the LGBTQ community as an organisation can be a major way in letting others (such as prospective and current employees) know that the company is a safe and supportive place to work. On the other hand, Sanjay Sood-Smith, Stonewall’s executive director, notes that even simple, everyday actions can go a long way in the workplace — from celebrating LGBTQ events (such as Pride, or LGBT History month), which can aid in highlighting LGBT role models within the business, to simply wearing a rainbow pin.
Promoting inclusivity via team building
Inclusivity within the workplace can be cultivated from simple actions that take place within the workplace on a regular basis as well, such as by implementing workplace rules or rituals that involve everyone working together via team building to enhance the workplace. For instance, ensuring that employees each take part in maintaining a clean workplace can be beneficial in fostering an inclusive and healthy work environment for everyone involved. This way can be especially beneficial to the organisation as a whole, as a clean place to work can cut down on the number of sick days that employees take — thus heightening productivity. This could involve making rules such as cleaning up after meetings as a group, taking turns doing the breakroom dishes, etc. which can make sure that everyone is included in one way or another.
The benefits of training
When it comes to fostering an inclusive work environment, and particularly when it comes to LGBTQ individuals, companies can greatly benefit from providing inclusivity or diversity-focused training to management and staff. By educating staff on how to promote a friendly and inclusive environment while at work (such as by training them on how to handle discrimination within the workplace properly), they can be prepared for any related conflicts that may arise, and be readily able to handle them accordingly in a professional manner.
Training can also allow staff and management to be made aware of the importance regarding anti-discrimination policies as well as the importance of a positive and inclusive work environment. However, inclusivity training may also focus on other key aspects of fostering an inclusive environment, such as when it comes to management simply listening to their employees. By stressing the importance of and maintaining an open line of communication between employees and management, those who have concerns can feel comfortable in reaching out, thus initiating the awareness for any needs for change.
The importance of resource groups
Companies can also benefit greatly in creating LGBTQ specific resource groups to aid in making positive and supportive changes within their organisation. For example, at the company CEB, employee group CEB Pride works to develop, engage, and retain LGBTQ talent. In fact, the group was also played a key role when it came to encouraging the company to take a stand on the Supreme Court’s decision on legalising same-sex marriage in the United States. By implementing an employee group dedicated to LGBTQ rights and support, a company can not only show their support for the community, but can further foster a positive workplace environment among employees. That being said, such groups can also allow for an extension of having a safe place at work, and work to empower LGBT employees when it comes to matters like making positive changes within the organisations themselves.
While supporting LGBTQ rights may help a business perform better, it’s important to realise that promoting an inclusive workplace for all employees can be beneficial to individual employees themselves as well. That being said, companies can implement a myriad of solutions, such as anti-discrimination policies, the appropriate training and education, and simply creating a positive and safe environment for all.