For fifteen years, National Student Pride has brought a vibrant mix of celebrity interviews, graduate careers fairs, conferences, debates, parties, and workshops to over 1,800 students each year from 170+ global universities at a weekend-long festival in London.
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National Student Pride 2021
This year, the largest LGBTQ+ student event in the UK is returning in a multi-platform digital format to accommodate for COVID-19 restrictions in the UK.
National Student Pride’s mission is to be an inclusive platform at the forefront of debate in discussing the challenges facing the LGBTQ+ community, while providing unmissable opportunities in a designated space for LGBTQ+ students and recent graduates.
Signature moments from National Student Pride’s rich history include the The Pussycat Dolls’ first ever live performance at a Pride event, Ian McKellen OBE live in conversation discussing his remarkable life and career, Courtney Act hosting ‘queer dates’, Olly Alexander tackling sex education, declaring that “We still grow up in a society where we’re told that we’re ‘othered’ as LGBTQ+ people”, and Will Young colourfully calling out key government ministers on mental health.
We’re happy to say this openly – we’re living through a huge historical juncture, and we know LGBTQ+ people are facing particular hardships right now. Keep a lookout for announcements on who will be gracing National Student Pride in our new digital format, because there is no doubt our 2021 event is going to animate some crucial conversation at a time we all need to talk.
National Student Pride is being platinum-sponsored in 2021 by Clifford Chance and EY.
The event began at Oxford Brookes University in 2005 as a response to the Christian Union’s ‘Homosexuality and the Bible’ talk. Student Pride continues this mantra in its 12th year choosing to hold its 2017 event on campus because the fight Students face remains just as prevalent, if not more complex, than when we first began.
Tickets are available now at .www.studentpride.co.uk/tickets