Month: October 2021
Today, on October 29, 2021, the Polish Parliament voted to send a bill which proposes to amend the right to freedom of assembly to ban Pride marches and other events promoting LGBTIQ equality for further work in committees.
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Polish Parliament Sends Draft Bill Banning Pride for Further Work in Committees
Today, on October 29, 2021, the Polish Parliament voted to send a bill which proposes to amend the right to freedom of assembly to ban Pride marches and other events promoting LGBTIQ equality for further work in committees.
You might have heard that prison in the Nordics are a bit different that prison in the U.S or other places, this week «Røver-Pride»( «Robber-Pride») was celebrated at Indre Østfold prison in Eidsberg, Norway!
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World first pride celebration in prison
You might have heard that prison in the Nordics are a bit different that prison in the U.S or other places, this week «Røver-Pride»( «Robber-Pride») was celebrated at Indre Østfold prison in Eidsberg, Norway!
The U.S State Department issued a US Passport with an X gender marker today, marking the first time a gender neutral passport is issued in the country and sending a strong message in support of the rights of trans, intersex and non binary persons.
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U.S State Department Issues Passport With X Gender Marker
The U.S State Department issued a US Passport with an X gender marker today, marking the first time a gender neutral passport is issued in the country and sending a strong message in support of the rights of trans, intersex and non binary persons.
On the anniversary of its first birthday, Hits Radio Pride launched the competition Hits Radio Pride Future Star in partnership with BT, with the aim to find the next voice in radio and give a budding presenter the chance to present their own show on the Bauer Media LGBTQ+ dedicated station.
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Vote now for Hits Radio Pride’s Future Star
On the anniversary of its first birthday, Hits Radio Pride launched the competition Hits Radio Pride Future Star in partnership with BT, with the aim to find the next voice in radio and give a budding presenter the chance to present their own show on the Bauer Media LGBTQ+ dedicated station.
The school is punishing boys and non-binary students - but not girls - for having long hair, saying their haircut policy «reflects the values of our community at large».
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Only in America : Texas school suspended male & non-binary students for having long hair
The school is punishing boys and non-binary students – but not girls – for having long hair, saying their haircut policy «reflects the values of our community at large».
Existing Gender Recognition Procedure Violates Human Rights Existing Gender Recognition Procedure Violates Human Rights
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Germany: Include Trans People in Coalition Agreement
Existing Gender Recognition Procedure Violates Human Rights Existing Gender Recognition Procedure Violates Human Rights