The acclaimed young adult novel by Jay Bell, which is already something of a phenomenon, is the basis for our film, which is our first adaptation.

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The acclaimed young adult novel by Jay Bell, which is already something of a phenomenon, is the basis for our film, which is our first adaptation.

«Something Like Summer» follows Ben Bentley’s (Austin McKenzie) and Tim Wyman’s (Davi Santos) relationship across a dozen years, beginning when they meet in high school, go their separate ways, and then strive for a second chance, only to suffer the worst kind of failure.

Readers praised the novel on (4.6 stars out of 5), Apple’s iBookstore (4.5 ratings), and Goodreads. (4.2 stars). Facebook, Twitter, and Tumblr have all proven to be outlets for readers of various ages, genders, and backgrounds to share their pain, joy, nostalgia, and inspiration from this narrative of real love discovered, torn apart, and gently re-knit.

Now streaming on OutTV – Amazon channel (this may vary based on region or country) or buy it here!

Only thing I’m missing on OutTV – Amazon channel, is the live version of OutTV.


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