Tag: banned
Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie called several Muslim countries «Eternals» over a ban against her latest movie because of characters who are in a same-sex relationships and their intimate scenes.
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Angelina Jolie calls Muslim countries «ignorant» after «Eternals» movie is banned over gay scenes
Hollywood actress Angelina Jolie called several Muslim countries «Eternals» over a ban against her latest movie because of characters who are in a same-sex relationships and their intimate scenes.
The 2017 Istanbul Pride march has been banned by the city’s governor, one day before it was due to take place.
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PrideWatch2017: Istanbul Pride 2017 banned by Governor’s Office
The 2017 Istanbul Pride march has been banned by the city’s governor, one day before it was due to take place.
Last night after we liked some River Viiperi pictures on his Facebook page we were banned to do so...
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River Viiperi hits a new low and he is not so much McDreamy anymore
Last night after we liked some River Viiperi pictures on his Facebook page we were banned to do so…
Authorities in Qatar have banned local cinemas from screening ' The Danish Girl ', a film about a transgender Danish artist.
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Qatar: ‘The Danish Girl’ banned in local cinemas for ‘depravity’
Authorities in Qatar have banned local cinemas from screening ‘ The Danish Girl ‘, a film about a transgender Danish artist.
A painting which was to feature in an exhibition ‘The Past is Unpredictable’ at the FE McWilliam Gallery has caused controversy after it was banned by Banbridge council.
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Council bans naked gay sex painting from local gallery
A painting which was to feature in an exhibition ‘The Past is Unpredictable’ at the FE McWilliam Gallery has caused controversy after it was banned by Banbridge council.
The Sochi Winter Olympics have come under plenty of scrutiny because of Russia’s gay rights laws and one of the event’s sponsors, Coca-Cola hasn’t escaped the criticism either.
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Coke bans the word ‘gay’ from new campaign
The Sochi Winter Olympics have come under plenty of scrutiny because of Russia’s gay rights laws and one of the event’s sponsors, Coca-Cola hasn’t escaped the criticism either.