Tag: Boy Scouts of America
The Boy Scouts of America says it will allow transgender children who identify as boys to enrol in its boys only programs.
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Irving-Based Boy Scouts of America to Allow Transgender Children
The Boy Scouts of America says it will allow transgender children who identify as boys to enrol in its boys only programs.
Joe Maldonado, 8, joined Cub Scout Pack 87 in Secaucus, New Jersey because, in his own words, “all of my favourite friends were there.”
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The Boy Scouts Banned an 8-Year-Old Transgender Boy
Joe Maldonado, 8, joined Cub Scout Pack 87 in Secaucus, New Jersey because, in his own words, “all of my favourite friends were there.”
The Human Rights Campaign (HRC), America’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) civil rights organisation, released the following statement in response to Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's assertion that he supports the Boy Scouts of America (BSA)’s discriminatory policy that bars gay, lesbian and bisexual adults from serving as employees and troop leaders.
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HRC Condemns Scott Walker’s Shameful and Offensive Comments on Boy Scouts of America’s Ban
The Human Rights Campaign (HRC), America’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) civil rights organisation, released the following statement in response to Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker’s assertion that he supports the Boy Scouts of America (BSA)’s discriminatory policy that bars gay, lesbian and bisexual adults from serving as employees and troop leaders.
The Human Rights Campaign (HRC), America’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) civil rights organisation, today responded to a resolution by the Boy Scouts of America and its Executive Committee that would allow gay, lesbian and bisexual adults to serve as employees and volunteers by calling on the organisation to also require that all troops adhere to a policy of full LGBT inclusion.
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HRC To Boy Scouts of America: You Can’t End Discriminatory Ban with Half Steps
The Human Rights Campaign (HRC), America’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) civil rights organisation, today responded to a resolution by the Boy Scouts of America and its Executive Committee that would allow gay, lesbian and bisexual adults to serve as employees and volunteers by calling on the organisation to also require that all troops adhere to a policy of full LGBT inclusion.
Boy Scouts’ move to allow gay adults to participate in organisation marks a moment, but falls short of goal of full inclusion.
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HRC Urges Boy Scouts of America to Take Full Step to LGBT Equality
Boy Scouts’ move to allow gay adults to participate in organisation marks a moment, but falls short of goal of full inclusion.
August Easton-Calabriand and his twin brother, Liam, joined their local Seattle Boy Scouts chapter when they were 11 years old. They then dedicated the next seven years of their lives to the organisation, and last year attained the highest possible rank of Eagle Scout. But now that they’re 18, the twins’ involvement in the group is less certain—all because Liam is gay.
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Straight Brother Wants The Boy Scouts To Accept His Gay Twin
August Easton-Calabriand and his twin brother, Liam, joined their local Seattle Boy Scouts chapter when they were 11 years old. They then dedicated the next seven years of their lives to the organisation, and last year attained the highest possible rank of Eagle Scout. But now that they’re 18, the twins’ involvement in the group is less certain—all because Liam is gay.