Tag: Canada
Canadian Blood Services has apologised to the LGBTQ2S+ community for their discriminatory blood donation policy.
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Canadian Blood Services Apologies for Discriminatory Blood Donation Policy
Canadian Blood Services has apologised to the LGBTQ2S+ community for their discriminatory blood donation policy.
Health Canada is updating its sperm donor screening criteria to be more inclusive and eliminate discriminatory practices.
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Health Canada Revises Sperm Donor Screening Criteria for Men Who Have Sex with Men
Health Canada is updating its sperm donor screening criteria to be more inclusive and eliminate discriminatory practices.
Canadian Education department prohibits homophobic teachings in schools.
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Letter denounces Whitehorse Catholic school textbook for being homophobic
Canadian Education department prohibits homophobic teachings in schools.
Protests and counter-protests in support of and against Canada's trans and LGBTQ communities are planned around Canada on Wednesday.
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Protests against anti-LGBTQ demonstrations will be greeted with counter-protests in Victoria and across Canada
Protests and counter-protests in support of and against Canada’s trans and LGBTQ communities are planned around Canada on Wednesday.
According to a local newspaper, the Juvenile Court of Trento in northern Italy has allowed the adoption of a child by the non-biological parent of a same-sex couple recognised in Canada but not in Italy.
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A Trento court has approved the adoption by a same-sex couple
According to a local newspaper, the Juvenile Court of Trento in northern Italy has allowed the adoption of a child by the non-biological parent of a same-sex couple recognised in Canada but not in Italy.
The recommendation advises LGBTQ Canadians to research newly passed state laws that may affect them if they travel to the United States.
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Canada advises LGBTQ visitors to be wary of U.S. laws
The recommendation advises LGBTQ Canadians to research newly passed state laws that may affect them if they travel to the United States.