Tag: Church of Ireland
A veteran Church of Ireland cleric has backed David Cameron’s calls for same sex marriage — saying homophobia has become Northern Ireland’s “new sectarianism”.
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Homophobia is new sectarianism in Northern Ireland
A veteran Church of Ireland cleric has backed David Cameron’s calls for same sex marriage — saying homophobia has become Northern Ireland’s “new sectarianism”.
As Church of Ireland members, who are lesbian, gay or bisexual, we were not consulted as the Bishop of Down and Dromore and Archbishop of Dublin drafted the resolutions on sexuality before General Synod this week..
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Church of Ireland Synod resolution on same-sex relationships unacceptable
As Church of Ireland members, who are lesbian, gay or bisexual, we were not consulted as the Bishop of Down and Dromore and Archbishop of Dublin drafted the resolutions on sexuality before General Synod this week..
A lesbian couple in the US have told the Church of Ireland that there are more important issues it should be concerned about than same-sex relationships.
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Cleric weighs into Church of Ireland gay debate
A lesbian couple in the US have told the Church of Ireland that there are more important issues it should be concerned about than same-sex relationships.
The banning of an openly gay man from volunteering for work with youth groups at Methodist and Church of Ireland churches in Ballinamallard, Co Fermanagh, has been criticised by the Church of Ireland pro-gay Changing Attitude Ireland group.
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Ban on church youth work for gay man criticised
The banning of an openly gay man from volunteering for work with youth groups at Methodist and Church of Ireland churches in Ballinamallard, Co Fermanagh, has been criticised by the Church of Ireland pro-gay Changing Attitude Ireland group.
The Archbishop of Armagh has called for a clampdown on the debate over gay clergy in the Church of Ireland.
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Primate wants gay debate to be shelved
The Archbishop of Armagh has called for a clampdown on the debate over gay clergy in the Church of Ireland.