Tag: Fred Sainz
Taking part in a “faith forum” for mayoral candidates on Sunday, Mayor Ivy Taylor of San Antonio, Texas attacked a recently-enacted non-discrimination ordinance protecting lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) city employees and contractors from discrimination.
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San Antonio Shame: Mayor Calls LGBT Protections a “Waste of Time”
Taking part in a “faith forum” for mayoral candidates on Sunday, Mayor Ivy Taylor of San Antonio, Texas attacked a recently-enacted non-discrimination ordinance protecting lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) city employees and contractors from discrimination.
A Maine enforcement action made public today indicates that the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) may have intentionally violated a variety of state laws in 2009, including not only Maine but also Iowa and New Hampshire campaign finance laws.
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Maine Report Suggests NOM Violated Laws in Other States, Lied to Government Authorities
A Maine enforcement action made public today indicates that the National Organization for Marriage (NOM) may have intentionally violated a variety of state laws in 2009, including not only Maine but also Iowa and New Hampshire campaign finance laws.
Gene Schaerr, a Washington, D.C. partner at the law firm Winston & Strawn, is citing his personal religious beliefs as the rationale behind his decision to quit his job and become the lead counsel on the State of Utah’s case against marriage equality.
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New UT Special Attorney General Cites ‘Religious Duty’ in Decision to Take Anti-Marriage Equality Case
Gene Schaerr, a Washington, D.C. partner at the law firm Winston & Strawn, is citing his personal religious beliefs as the rationale behind his decision to quit his job and become the lead counsel on the State of Utah’s case against marriage equality.
The United States Air Force Academy is continuing to defend the hiring of conversion therapy advocate Dr. Mike Rosebush. Dr. Rosebush, hired by the Academy in 2009, works for the Academy’s Center for Character and Leadership Development.
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Air Force Academy Continues Defending Employment of Conversion Therapy Advocate
The United States Air Force Academy is continuing to defend the hiring of conversion therapy advocate Dr. Mike Rosebush. Dr. Rosebush, hired by the Academy in 2009, works for the Academy’s Center for Character and Leadership Development.
The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) has repeatedly refused to make its 2012 990s publicly available following their November 15 deadline – a direct violation of federal law.
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NOM Withholding Key Financial Documents in Violation of Federal Law
The National Organization for Marriage (NOM) has repeatedly refused to make its 2012 990s publicly available following their November 15 deadline – a direct violation of federal law.
Two days before an expected vote, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) – the USA’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender civil rights organization – will run a full-page ad in the Dallas Morning News today calling on the leadership at Boy Scouts of America (BSA) to end its discriminatory policy prohibiting gay people from Scouting and adopt a national non-discrimination standard.
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HRC Ad Calls for End to Discriminatory Boy Scout Ban on Gays
Two days before an expected vote, the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) – the USA’s largest lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender civil rights organization – will run a full-page ad in the Dallas Morning News today calling on the leadership at Boy Scouts of America (BSA) to end its discriminatory policy prohibiting gay people from Scouting and adopt a national non-discrimination standard.