Lesbians Who Tech, a global community of over 30,000 LGBTQ women in technology and their allies, announced six new keynote speakers ahead of the 2018 Lesbians Who Tech + Allies Summit in March.
Lesbians Who Tech, a global community of over 30,000 LGBTQ women in technology and their allies, today announced Sheryl Sandberg, Facebook Chief Operating Officer and founder of Leanin.org and OptionB.org, as a keynote speaker for the 5th Annual Lesbians Who Tech + Allies Summit.
Sara Ramirez, Mario Lopez, Louis Van Amstel, Nelsan Ellis and Dustin Lance Black were among the celebrities who joined the Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) as it honoured Kim Cattrall, author and technology expert Kara Swisher, AT&T and the best in film, documentaries and music last night at the 22nd Annual GLAAD Media Awards in San Francisco, hosted by Glee’s Naya Rivera.
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