Tag: refugee
“Ugandan LGBTIs have fled attempts to arrest and kill them. They have sought safety in Kenya but instead suffer arrest, beatings, hunger, insanitary conditions and sexual exploitation.
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UN fails Ugandan LGBTI refugees abused in Kenya
“Ugandan LGBTIs have fled attempts to arrest and kill them. They have sought safety in Kenya but instead suffer arrest, beatings, hunger, insanitary conditions and sexual exploitation.
One of the gay Chechen men brought to Canada as a refugee under a program, which human rights organisations and the Canadian government worked together in secret until last week, is telling his story of why he needed asylum.
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The secret escape from Chechnya to Canada for young gay men
One of the gay Chechen men brought to Canada as a refugee under a program, which human rights organisations and the Canadian government worked together in secret until last week, is telling his story of why he needed asylum.
A 31-year-old Syrian refugee in Lebanon was allegedly detained and tortured in February 2016, apparently on suspicion of being gay, Human Rights Watch said yesterday.
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Lebanon : Syrian Refugee’s Detained, Beaten, Abused on Suspicion of Being Gay
A 31-year-old Syrian refugee in Lebanon was allegedly detained and tortured in February 2016, apparently on suspicion of being gay, Human Rights Watch said yesterday.
Today, the European Court of Human Rights has ruled that Hungary’s two-month-long detention of an Iranian gay man applying for asylum is a violation of the European Convention on Human Rights.
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European court strikes against Hungary’s arbitrary detention of LGBT asylum seekers
Today, the European Court of Human Rights has ruled that Hungary’s two-month-long detention of an Iranian gay man applying for asylum is a violation of the European Convention on Human Rights.
The rapist continued to bath after the rape - he was later arrested at the swimming pool.
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Austrian police were silent: Refugee (20) rape ten year old boy in a swimming pool
The rapist continued to bath after the rape – he was later arrested at the swimming pool.
In a refugee camp in Jordan - 21 years old Hamood is living. He is gay and fled from Syria because of his sexual orientation. But the life in Jordan is almost as difficult.
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Syria refugee : Outed by his brother – raped by six men
In a refugee camp in Jordan – 21 years old Hamood is living. He is gay and fled from Syria because of his sexual orientation. But the life in Jordan is almost as difficult.