The film adaptation of The Color Purple from 1985 and the upcoming 2023 movie musical are both derived from the 1982 novel of the same title, authored by the bisexual Alice Walker.

The Color Purple 2023 poster features three prominent black actors: Danielle Brooks, Fantasia Barrino, and Taraji P. Henson.

Alice Walker, a bisexual author, published «The Color Purple» in 1982 to instant success. The following year, the novel won the Pulitzer Prize for Fiction, and Steven Spielberg quickly adapted it into a hit film. Walker initially hesitated to give up the rights for a film adaptation due to Hollywood’s history of lackluster portrayal of African American women. The movie, while successful, did not fully capture the intersectionality of race, gender, and sexuality present in the book through Celie’s relationship with Shug, reports.

While they share a kiss in both The Color Purple films, their relationship appears to be more one-sided. Celie harbored a crush on Shug, who seemed willing to help Celie explore that aspect of herself. Apart from this kiss, their relationship, while affectionate, seems to remain strictly platonic, unlike in the book where they eventually become romantic partners.

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