We have always loved Barbra Streisand's singing and acting, but she can really hilarious funny and after her latest Donald Trump Parody we just love her even more.

Barbra Streisand

Barbra Streisand // Who Is This Clown ?

Who Is This Clown ? // lyrics

Verse 1

Is he that rich?
Maybe he’s poor?
‘Til he reveals his returns
Who can be sure?
Who needs this clown?

Verse 2

Something’s amiss
I don’t approve
If he were running the free world
Where would we move?
Name me a town?
Just who is this clown?


And when we thought we’d heard it all
Huffing and puffing about his big fantasy wall
Making his entrance on stage
He just shoots from the hip
He’s full of bull
He’s lost his grip

Verse 3

And if by chance
He gets to heaven
Even up there he’ll declare
Chapter Eleven
Who’d hire this clown
This sad vulgar clown
‘You’re fired’ you clown


Hillary’s kind
Smart, that is clear
While she is giving us hope… Trump is selling us fear
Look how he changes his views every time that he speaks
It’s lie after lie
Can’t take eight more weeks!

Verse 4

This is no farce
Maybe he’s broke?
Is this “The Art of the Deal”
Or some awful joke?
You’ve got to admit
This silly half-wit
Is so full of shit!

About the Author

Writes for MySoCalledGayLife.co.uk about music, movies, news and lot of other stuff too.