Month: March 2013
Queen singer Freddie Mercury disguised the late Princess Diana as a male model and smuggled her into a notorious gay bar, according to a memoir serialised in Britain's Sunday Times.
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Princess Diana ‘went to gay bar in drag’
Queen singer Freddie Mercury disguised the late Princess Diana as a male model and smuggled her into a notorious gay bar, according to a memoir serialised in Britain’s Sunday Times.
Is Please Like Me too gay? That is what Josh Thomas the show's creator and actor is asking after shunted the show into digital channel ABC2.
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Australian tv-comedy ‘Please like me’ “to gay” for ABC1 ?
Is Please Like Me too gay? That is what Josh Thomas the show’s creator and actor is asking after shunted the show into digital channel ABC2.
Former archbishop of Canterbury accuses PM of following aggressive secularist approach.
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Cameron ‘alienating’ Christians by promoting gay marriage
Former archbishop of Canterbury accuses PM of following aggressive secularist approach.
Written by and starring Australia’s favourite young comedian, Josh Thomas, the uniquely honest comedy/drama series Please Like Me.
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Please Like me
Written by and starring Australia’s favourite young comedian, Josh Thomas, the uniquely honest comedy/drama series Please Like Me.
Queens of the Week is a Group of Wack-a-Doodle Queens – Each with a various amount of Experience and a unique point of View. And we are following Lady Portia.
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Am I GAY.. If My Boyfriend is?
Queens of the Week is a Group of Wack-a-Doodle Queens – Each with a various amount of Experience and a unique point of View. And we are following Lady Portia.
In February the former Leeds winger revealed his sexuality, then walked away from the game. In Robbie Rogers first interview since that decision, he explains his anger, and his hopes for the future.
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Robbie Rogers: why coming out as gay meant I had to leave football
In February the former Leeds winger revealed his sexuality, then walked away from the game. In Robbie Rogers first interview since that decision, he explains his anger, and his hopes for the future.