Month: April 2014
The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) condemns today’s decision by the government of Brunei to allow a series of draconian penal code reforms to take effect that will soon include stoning as a possible punishment for engaging in same-sex activity.
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HRC Condemns Government of Brunei’s Decision to Soon Allow Death Penalty for Same-Sex Activity
The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) condemns today’s decision by the government of Brunei to allow a series of draconian penal code reforms to take effect that will soon include stoning as a possible punishment for engaging in same-sex activity.
Jan Gooding was last night unanimously and formally confirmed as Stonewall’s new Chair of Trustees.
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Jan Gooding appointed as new Stonewall Chair of Trustees
Jan Gooding was last night unanimously and formally confirmed as Stonewall’s new Chair of Trustees.
The Crimean crisis has led to increased tensions for LGBT individuals in Ukraine, the territory of Crimea, and Russia.
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Situation for LGBT people worsens in Russia, Crimea and Ukraine
The Crimean crisis has led to increased tensions for LGBT individuals in Ukraine, the territory of Crimea, and Russia.
The National Confidential Forum has been proposed by the Scottish Government to give adults in institutional care as children (in Scotland) the opportunity to describe their experiences in an understanding, supportive and confidential environment.
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Consultation on the National Confidential Forum: needs of LGBT survivors of institutional abuse
The National Confidential Forum has been proposed by the Scottish Government to give adults in institutional care as children (in Scotland) the opportunity to describe their experiences in an understanding, supportive and confidential environment.
Alice McKee and Michael Young named Stonewall Young Campaigners of the Year 2014 Annual Youth Awards, supported by Lloyds Banking Group, recognise local campaigners.
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Stonewall’s Youth Volunteers honoured for leading anti-homophobia campaigns
Alice McKee and Michael Young named Stonewall Young Campaigners of the Year 2014 Annual Youth Awards, supported by Lloyds Banking Group, recognise local campaigners.
BUFF is Manchester's trans*masculine pride event, organised by and for the trans*masculine community and their allies. They aim to bring trans*masculine people and allies together at their annual pride night and brunch.
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BUFF Manchester in July – clear the calendar
BUFF is Manchester’s trans*masculine pride event, organised by and for the trans*masculine community and their allies. They aim to bring trans*masculine people and allies together at their annual pride night and brunch.